Legal Action Programs

One way Alabama REALTORS® advocates on behalf of our members is by monitoring and, at times, participating in court cases that affect our industry and private property rights. Participation comes in two forms: financial assistance and amicus briefs.


Amicus Program

Alabama REALTORS® is the voice for real estate in Alabama, not only in the executive and legislative branches but also in the judicial branch. If you have a case involving real estate matters of statewide significance, consider requesting an amicus brief from the Alabama REALTORS®. If approved, our Association may support the case and our attorneys may coordinate, prepare, and submit an amicus brief.

Click the button below to request an amicus brief.


Legal Action Fund

The Legal Action Fund was established to support our members, the real estate industry, and private property rights. The Fund is intended to assist REALTORS® and REALTOR® boards with costs of litigation involving issues of statewide significance to the industry. The Fund is administered by the Legal Action Fund Administrators. Applicants must either be a local board/association or obtain the written support of a local board/association.

To apply for assistance from the Legal Action Fund, click the button below.